Lean Game
The Lean Game will be played in groups (minimum 6 people) and gives players step-by-step insight and experience in applying the lean philosophy. The lean Game can be customised to your specific situation to increase the impact at your organization.
Lean: Focuses on eliminating process steps that do not add value, so you are able to fulfil your customer wishes faster and at lower costs.
Game. Learning and applying lean methods in a game situation. Why a game? As Confucius already mentioned. “I hear and I forget,” “I see and I remember,” “I do and I understand.”

Strategy Workshop
Management workshops in which you are taken through a process, using a number of models and data in a structured way, to develop your own strategy. Results of the workshop are your own strategy including a communication and implementation plan.
Strategy: The next question is key: “How do I get others (customers) so far that they give their money to me (spend with me)? Sub-questions are” What makes me unique? and “How can I make this profitable?”
Workshop: For strategy development
and workshops we work with: https://pjstrategy.com/